Last updated 5. March 2025 | Webmaster
This working group was dissolved in 2022.

Since 2019: Student and unpaid commitment to trans-solidarity
- Resistance against trans-hostile professor (open letter, statement)
- Student contact point
- Awareness-raising work, including information stand in the lecture hall corridor, “Diversity Day Interview”
- Networking with AStA, Equal Opportunities Office, QuARG, dec. Equality, 8M Alliance
- Commitment to toilet policy, DGTI card
- Newsletter
Beginning of 2022:
- A lot of responsibility and work spread over a few shoulders – political work suffers under pandemic conditions
- Frustration and exhaustion, repeated absences due to illness or final papers
- Many members complete their studies and leave the University of Lüneburg
What can be done to protect against discrimination?
Findings from March 2021
“There is a need for action to structurally anchor protection against discrimination at the university! “
a) Responsibilities and communication
b) Professional competence, assessment of the situation
c) Documentation
d) Authority to act
Student structures are not enough!
dgti action group
Since the end of 2021: Commitment to recognizing the dgti card in the university’s internal and external communication.
Association of concerned, committed and overwhelmed individuals:
→ Exchange of perspectives and resources
→ Perspective of those affected in the foreground
→ Recognition is important and urgent!
QuARG and stud. Anti-discrimination officer
Queer feminist department of the AstA
→ Support for the demands for recognition of the GTI card
Survey on experiences of discrimination on campus 03.05.- 31.05.
“We want to make visible that there are discriminatory incidents and structures at Lüneburg University in order to underpin our demand for a structural anchoring of protection against discrimination, contact and advice centers and long-term documentation of incidents.”
- Survey of (experienced/observed) discrimination at the university
- Assessment and use of existing structures
- 237 participants, including 197 students.
- 100 people (42%) stated that they themselves had experienced one or more instances of discrimination at university.
- 58 people (24.5%) stated that they had observed discriminatory incidents at the university.

The majority of participants (68%) have not approached an official body within the university(Equal Opportunities Office, StuPa, President’s Office , etc.) with their experiences of discrimination. Only 11% have contacted these bodies to date. The same percentage of respondents turned to student initiatives.

For those affected, the impact of discrimination should not be underestimated. Our results show that these are cited as additional burdens. Their ability to work and study is impaired and their mental health is put at risk. Some participants report avoidance and postponement strategies such as changing course.
The study program (especially the assessment and grading of performance) is sometimes perceived as not providing equal opportunities.
- At the University of Lüneburg, experiences of discrimination are made in all areas of the university, including sexist, racist and ableist experiences of discrimination as well as discriminatory experiences due to care responsibilities (care work)
- The existing structures and, in particular, contact points for those affected cannot guarantee sufficient protection against discrimination or the necessary support or processing of incidents and structures.
Demands (March 2021) for an anti-discrimination office
- Visible, central point of contact for all status groups
- Qualified advice, protection of affected persons
- Complaints office, bundled documentation, monitoring
- Preventive protection against discrimination
- Collegial advice from other equal opportunities bodies, cooperation with students
Systematic anti-discrimination work does not just put out fires when they occur!
Through its intervention, it acts as an internal university buffer zone and works within the structures to prevent discrimination.

DGTI card
Recognize DGTI card!
In order to enable non-discriminatory participation in everyday university life, we demand a commitment that the DGTI supplementary ID card will be recognized in internal and external communication.
→ This includes: E-mail address, online platforms, semester ticket and student ID, certificates.
This also includes transparent communication and clear points of contact.
→ This includes: Spreading knowledge about what options exist for name change and how it can be achieved.