
Last updated 19. January 2024 | Webmaster

Sustainability is on everyone’s lips at Leuphana – after all, it is the most pressing challenge of our generation. But what to do about it?

The Öko?-Logisch! society is the place for your topics, ideas, drive and creativity. Through our commitment, we want to actively shape the socio-ecological transformation on campus and in our beautiful city. Specifically, we regularly plan exciting events, such as workshops or lectures. We bring the annual Waste Prevention Week to Leuphana and organise a monthly vegan brunch at PlanB (Yyou can find the dates of the brunches on our social media platforms).

Do you have any questions, ideas or suggestions? Would you like to work with us for a more sustainable Uni & Lüni? Then contact us via our social media channels, send us an email or come along to our (get-to-know-you) meetings! We look forward to meeting you!

A little tip: Are you interested in how sustainable Leuphana really is and the history behind its buildings? You can explore the campus yourself with the critical campus tour. Simply download the Actionbound app, scan the QR code & off you go!

Facebook: @NachhaltigkeitLeuphana

Instagram: oekologisch_unilueneburg

Website: asta-lueneburg.de/mitmachen/oeko-logisch
