Last updated 5. March 2025 | StuPa
Lower Saxony State Students’ Conference (LAK)
The LandesAstenKonferenz Niedersachsen (LAK Niedersachsen) is the association of student representatives in Lower Saxony.
The student representatives of nine universities in Lower Saxony are currently members of the LAK Niedersachsen.
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Free Association of Students’ Unions (fzs)
The fzs is the non-partisan umbrella organization of students’ unions in Germany. With about 90 members, the fzs represents about one million students in Germany.
The fzs represents the social, cultural, political, and economic interests of students nationwide in front of universities, politics, and the public.
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Lernfabriken …meutern! (Learning Factories …Mutiny!)
Grassroots democratic alliance for all stakeholders in education. Against economization, against social exclusion, and for the democratization of education.
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Initiative Universities for Peace – Yes to the Civil Clause
The initiative “Universities for Peace – Yes to the Civil Clause” was founded in May 2011. n it, trade unions, student and scientific, as well as peace organizations, advocate civilian universities as a place for studies, teaching, and research, where meaningful contributions are made to the peaceful resolution of the world’s problems and conflicts.
The increased distribution of military research and teaching at universities does not contribute to the well-being of the people. The initiative fights for universities that are exclusively dedicated to peace in science, research, and teaching. This requires a broad discussion about the social responsibility of science.
The initiative “Universities for Peace – Yes to the Civil Clause” wants to strengthen the peace movement at universities.
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Learning for Peace
With this campaign, we oppose the militarization of schools and universities and advocate for civic education and science. We want to encourage everyone to work for an education system and a society characterized by education, solidarity, and argumentation instead of the warlike enforcement of political and economic interests. Through petitions, we call on schools and universities to commit to a strictly civilian orientation. The state governments should enable a civilian orientation of education and science that serves peace.
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Alliance for Democracy / Network against right-wings
We stand for what they are agitating against:
- Freedom and basic democratic rights
- Institutions of democracy, such as associations, clubs, and trade unions
- People with an immigrant background
- religious and free-thinking people
- social, cultural, and sexual self-determination
- equal opportunities and emancipation
- people with disabilities
We do not allow fascism to be tolerated and recognized in public and support all those who stand with us against neo-Nazis and their criminal ideology.
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Action alliance against tuition fees
We demand fundamental individual freedom from costs for all secondary education. This refers not only to the rejection of the direct levying of tuition fees but also to all models of education vouchers and private education savings.
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Lüneburger Aktionsbündnis gegen Atom (LAgA)
How dramatic the real result of a more critical and fundamental safety assessment can be is shown by an already existing report from the IPPNW It concludes that all German nuclear power plants do not meet the safety requirements under numerous criteria. It does not matter whether 6, 7, or 8 nuclear power plants are taken off the grid. The fact remains that the residual risk of even a single nuclear power plant remaining in operation, and thus of a possible super shutdown, is no longer justifiable from an ethical point of view. There is no need for an ethics committee to recognize this. The human suffering in Chernobyl and Fukushima shows us what this residual risk means for the people living there and for our actions.
From an ethical point of view, only the immediate and final decommissioning of all nuclear power plants brings complete safety for mankind! We must not wait until 2021 but act now.
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Verein für stud. Belange und Studienplatztausch