Economic Plan of the AStA

Last updated 1. April 2024 | Webmaster

On this page, you will find the business plans (budget + supplementary budget) as well as the annual financial statements of the current business year and the last three completed business years. If you need additional data, you can send an e-mail () to the finance department at any time.

The President’s Office of the University must approve the business plans as well as the financial statements according to the financial regulations. Unless otherwise indicated, approval (subject to reservations and exceptions, if applicable) was given by the presidential board.

Financial year 2023 / 2024
1st supplement (not yet created)
Annual financial report (not set created)

Financial year 2022 / 2023
1st supplement
Annual financial report (not set created)

Financial year 2020 / 2021
1st supplement
Annual financial report

Financial year 2020 / 2021
1st supplement (explanations about the supplement)
Annual financial report

Financial year 2019 / 2020
1st supplement
Annual financial report

Financial year 2018 / 2019
1st supplement
Annual financial report

Financial year 2017 / 2018
1st supplement
2nd Nachtragshaushalt
Annual financial report

Financial year 2016 / 2017
1st supplement
Annual financial report