Fresher’s Guide

Last updated 31. August 2023 | Sprecherinnen

Hello to all freshers (and to those who still want to find out more in the higher semester)! Here is your personal guide for a good and easy start to university life in Lüneburg.

Fresher’s Group:


Who are we?

We are the AStA – that is short for Allgemeiner Student*innenausschuss and means “General Student Committee” – essentially, we are your students’ union. We are here to represent your cultural, social and (university) political interests. The spokespersons of the AStA are Emilia, Nell, Max and Dominic and therefore also your contact persons for questions and concerns of any kind. You want to know what we do concretely and what is involved? Feel free to click through our site, visit us on our social media channels, or stop by Building 9!

Social Media of the AStA University of Lüneburg

Instagram: astaunilueneburg
Facebook: asta.lueneburg
Telegram: astanews


Before your studies

How do I find accommodation?

The first question that comes up after enrolling at the University of Lüneburg is how to find a room or apartment. There are several ways to look for that. Starting points are wg-gesucht.deor ebay-kleinanzeigen.deto apply for private rooms or apartments. You can also get on the lists for student dorms, at the Studentenwerkor Campus Wohnen e.V. When applying for rooms in shared flats, try to be as responsive as possible to the advertisements, write a few fun facts about yourself or what you would like to bring with you to the shared flat.

Is it already close to the start week and you still don’t have a room? Check out our websiteand fill out the form to get on the Bettenbörse(bed exchange) list. Here, students from higher semesters can sign up and offer their couch or guest room for free to first-year students. We know that the thought of sharing a room with someone else in Corona times might not be the nicest, but we still want to offer you the opportunity. At the same time, we appeal to you to be as responsible as possible when it comes to hygiene measures.

Your Semesterticket: Mobility, Stadtrad & Culture!

At the beginning of your studies, you also received your own “Semesterticket”! This means that you have various offers at hand:

  • Regional trains in lower Saxony (Further information here).
  • All busses in the city and county of Lüneburg (operated by KVG)
  • Radspeicher Lüneburg (Bike parking garage at the main train station) – Important: before using the garage and you have to get your badge at the counter.
  • StadtRad Lüneburg: All information on the registration here.
  • SemesterTicket Kultur: With the semester ticket you can go to the Lüneburg Museum and spontaneously to the theater for free! All information on how and where you can take advantage of cultural offers can be found here.


Creating a Timetable

Support for the preparation of the timetable in the first semester is offered by the College Tutorium. During freshers’ week, there will be an introduction in myStudy. You can also visit open office hours during freshers’ week from 06-14 October to clarify all your questions about the timetable.

More information about the dates or a step-to-step guide can be found here.

Campus ABC

AStA – General Students Committee (Allgemeiner Student*innenausschuss)
CPs – Credit Points
FGV – subject group representers (Fachgruppenvertretung)
FSA – Subject-specific appendix (Fachspezifische Anlage)
HSG – Lecture Hall Corridor (Hörsaalgang)
RPO – Examination Regulations (Rahmenprüfungsordnung)
SHK – Student Assistant (Studentische Hilfskraft)
SoSe – summer semester
StuPa – Students’ Parliament
SWS – Semesterwochenstunden (number of hours per week per course)
WiSe – winter semester

You can find more ABC and explanations here.


Do you have questions about financing your studies? Do you want to study with a child? You have legal questions and need advice without obligation? You can find a lot of advice here.


The AStA offers various services. From bicycle repair to sound and light hire. You can find that and more here.


Many of us experience financial challenges during college that can’t just be eliminated with a part-time job. A helpful way to receive support during your studies is through a scholarship. Here we have provided you with an overviewof common scholarships.

Contact to departmental representatives and student councils

If you have specific questions about your field of study, you can always contact your departmental representatives or your student council. They also support your student interests, help you with problems during your studies and organize events. So, feel free to check out their websites, Facebook or Instagram. Maybe there are also exciting reshers’ days a summer festival, or game nights for you.

You can find an overview of the Fresher’s-Days here.

Faculty of Education

Education Student Council
Facebook Instagram Website

Student Council Psychology
Facebook Instagram

Faculty of Cultural Studies

Student Council Cultural Sciences
Facebook Instagram

FGV Master Cultural Studies
Facebook Instagram

FGV Political Science
Facebook Instagram

FGV Digital Media

Faculty Sustainability

Student Council Sustainability
Facebook Instagram Website

FGV Studium Individuale
Facebook Instagram

Faculty of Economics

Student Council BEM (Business, Economics & Management)
Facebook Instagram

Student Council WINGS (Engineering)
Facebook Instagram

Facebook Instagram

FGV Political Science


AStA Societies

You want to get involved, meet people and organize cool events, but you don’t know how? Maybe there is something for you in the following societies. Just write to the societies via email or social media channels or just come to their next meeting if you feel like it! All the societies are happy to see new faces!


The AntiRa is committed to dismantling racism and discrimination in everyday life and society. This includes making racist and discriminatory structures visible (also in the university context) and raising social awareness about the existence of such structures.
They want to support institutions and people who work to reduce racism and discrimination and critically reflect on their own perspectives and actions in our system or encourage other people to deal with social and structural discrimination. In doing so, they actively shape university life and want to contribute to a tolerant and sensitized society and student body, and we are also always happy to welcome new people who want to join in.




The autonomous society for Chronic Illness, Handicaps and Inclusion, Mental Illness, Empowerment, and Learning Disabilities is for all students who experience specific limitations and restrictions due to their bodies. Due to chronic illnesses, handicaps, mental illnesses but also learning impairments, structural as well as institutional barriers take on a special significance for the life and learning of students.
The concern of ARCHIPEL is to listen to difficulties and problems from your everyday study life, to take you seriously and to support you, to take action against disadvantages, to create an atmosphere of community help, to make our university a place where people in all health situations can study appropriately. In doing so, they oppose a view of humanity that makes deficiencies out of deviations from an ostensible norm.

AStA Living Room (WoZi)

The AStA-WoZi is a society that tries to promote the cultural life on campus by offering musical engagements such as concerts and jams, but also readings and the like.
The WoZi is a non-commercial free space, which means for us that the space is available for everyone during the lecture period or after arrangement also outside of it. We want to give artists, committed people, and students the opportunity to get involved in different ways, for example by organizing their own events or events in cooperation with the WoZi team.



As the culture society, LautLeben organizes various events and contributes to lively campus life. Concerts, poetry slams, exhibitions, or even special things like Doppelkopf tournaments are part of the repertoire. All in all, LautLeben does whatever they feel like doing.
From the first idea to planning and advertising measures to the realization of the event, you can gain a lot of experience in event organization.




At our university, we do hear a lot of sustainability blah blah. But what to do with it? The Öko?-logisch! society is the space where sustainability can become reality. Whether it’s a public event or a concrete campus change, everything finds a place in Öko?-logisch! We actively shape a better university, city, and world with our own ideas and the freedom that is available to us within the AStA. Your topics can be introduced or taken up by you at Öko?-logisch!
Currently, we organize a weekly market on campus every Thursday, take care of the nesting boxes, organize Öko?-logisch! campus tours, organize a vegan break every two weeks
, and a lot of differend smaller activities. Also, we organize a week of events every semester – sometimes on the energy transition, sometimes on waste reduction, deal with animal-human relations, and contribute to the critical film offerings in Lüneburg.


The Politics Society

The political society wants to contribute to the shaping of civil society in the 21st century. Hereby politics is understood in the broadest sense: university and general politics, by no, mean limited to committees, but rather in active and perhaps also daily action, and not at all politically disenchanted. But also, discussions
about political theory(s) are gladly heard and seen!
Sustainability and justice can only be thought together and can only have an effect on the whole spectrum from the local to the global. Therefore, the political society tries to cover as diverse a range of topics as possible. The society is organized in a grassroots way and works in a beginner-friendly way.



QuARG stands for Queer, Awareness, Equal Rights, and Gender Matters. QuARG is interested in everything related to gender and sexuality. This includes homosexuality, bisexuality, heterosexuality, asexuality, intersexuality, and trans identity, as well as feminism, sexism, and queerness. One focus of our work is political education. QuARG advocates for equality aims to make discrimination and privilege visible and strives to counteract them. We also use our mandate in the General Student Committee (AStA) precisely for this purpose.
The QuARG does many different things: We are the contact for all students who have something on their mind and want to contact us. We organize a colorful bouquet of events in their subject area; these can be lectures, workshops, film screenings, actions on campus, and much more. New ideas are always welcome. We also organize cozy meetups, such as our regular QuARG evening, to simply have a nice time together and exchange ideas. Here, too, anyone who likes can drop by and join in.

Unikino – The Campus Cinema

The Unikino shows a colorful mix of blockbusters, old golden treasures, and novelties worth watching. For you, the lecture hall is transformed into a cinema! From time to time there are also special film screenings in the context of certain theme weeks or in cooperation with other AStA societies. The Unikino is always open for new input, whether film quiz stream, Netflix party, or podcast episode – everything is possible!
For more info about the films, special screenings, etc., check out our
program flyer and Facebook.


Theater Society

The theater society offers you two theater groups: On the one hand, you get the chance to be involved in a play on the big stage, on the other hand, our improv group “Nicht Unbefugt” invites you to play freely after prompts from the audience Either way, with us the stage world is open to you!
As part of the theater society, you will find your role. Whether it’s as an actor or actress, or assisting with directing, tech, makeup, set design, and anything else that comes up, the theater society is looking forward to welcoming you!


Facebook: /TheaterreferatLueneburg

Campus Radio Katerfrühstück

The Uniradio makes your evening a bit deliKATER – almost every Tuesday during the semester
you can listen to the society talk about topics around the campus and Lüneburg at 7pm on 95.5 MHz or
via live stream on
You also want to participate in the radio or tell something exciting? hen get in touch with us, make yourself comfortable in our studio, and tell us what moves you. For that extra Kater, listen to previous shows on Soundclound (user-762249601) and follow them on Facebook and Instagram. That’s also where they announce all the editorial meetings, to which you’re also always invited.


Campus und Room Numbers

The university exists on three campuses around Lüneburg. These include the main campus, the Rote Feld, and Volgershall. To keep track of which campus you need to go to, just look at the letter in the room number.

C = Main Campus
W = Rotes Feld/Wilschenbrucher Weg 84
P = Rotes Feld/Wilschenbrucher Weg 69 (Pavillon)

This is how you find your room:

Room Number = Campus, Building, Floor, Room
Example: C12.108 = Main campus, building 12, 1st floor, room 8

Site plans:

Main Campus
Rotes Feld


Are you hungry, but you don’t have anything with you, and you can’t go home just yet? No problem: that’s what the canteen is for. With the selection of meat dishes, vegetarian/vegan dishes, and the Ökomensa, you’re well served. To know what’s available, you can easily download the Mensa app or visit the website. Also, myStudy has an item in the dashboard that lets you always have the cafeteria schedule right on the home page!