Germany semester ticket

Last updated 3. April 2024 | Buero

Can you use the entire public transport network with your semester ticket without any upgrades or restrictions? Maybe soon at the University of Lüneburg too!

You can find out what your new semester ticket (SemTix) could look like, what it can do and when you can start using it here on this page!


Our semester ticket is expected to be available for use throughout Germany from the winter semester 2024/25. Implementation at universities in Lower Saxony was not possible until the 2024 summer semester due to various contractual obligations. You can purchase your ticket as usual by paying your semester fee. All students are obliged to purchase a semester ticket. You don’t have to buy the ticket yourself! In accordance with contractual regulations, the ticket will only be issued as a digital ticket in an app. We are working on an analog version for students who do not want to or cannot use a digital ticket.

We will inform you about further developments on this page!

Student General Assembly

On 10.04.2024 from 4 p.m. we would like to inform you about the Deutschland-Semesterticket (DSemTix) and its advantages and disadvantages, answer your questions and hear your opinion. Come along to HS1 and bring all your fellow students with you!

You can find answers to frequently asked questions here:


What is the DSemTix and how can I buy it?

The DSemTix is a nationwide offer for student bodies to buy a semester ticket valid for public transport within Germany. The ticket can only be purchased as a student body. This means that you cannot buy the ticket individually. This is called the Soldiar model, because all students buy the ticket and thus enable a low price.

The DSemTix replaces the current semester ticket (SemTix).

What does the DSemTix cost?

The DSemTix is linked to the price of the Deutschlandticket and costs 60% of the current Deutschlandsticket price. It is to be expected that the Deutschlandticket (currently €49/month) will become more expensive in the future. This also increases the price of the DSemTix. The DSemTix would currently cost €29.40 per month, i.e. €176.40 per semester.

When is the DSemTix coming?

DSemTix cannot be introduced at universities in Lower Saxony until the winter semester 2024/25. This is due to various contractual and technical ambiguities. We are currently working with the university, the Verein für Mobilität im Studium, other ASten in Lower Saxony and other stakeholders to implement this as quickly as possible.

How will the DSemTix be offered?

The DSemTix is a purely digital ticket offer and will function via an app solution. Which app we will use for this is currently being clarified. An analog alternative is being worked on if people are unable to use a digital ticket.

What happens with the SemTix upgrade?

The SemTix upgrade is the current solution for using your SemesterTicket (SemTix) throughout Germany. This solution expires at the end of the winter semester 24/25! All subscriptions will be canceled by then at the latest. It is still unclear whether there will be automatic termination when DSemTix is introduced. We appeal to you to take responsibility for canceling your SemTix upgrade in good time so that no additional costs are incurred!

Are there refunds and hardship regulations?

It will still be possible to have the DSemTix refunded in cases of hardship. Students who do not fall under the hardship regulations cannot have their ticket refunded under any circumstances. We also do not cover accidental duplicate purchases if they are due to individual fault.

Alternative scenario

However, it is also possible that we will not get a DSemTix for the winter semester 24/25, but will remain with the state-wide semester ticket (SemTix). There can be two reasons for this. 1. the technical realization fails for a reason beyond our control or 2. we decide together against the DSemTix. We have broken down the advantages and disadvantages of each ticket for you here:

Advantages of DSemtix
  • Valid for public transport throughout Germany (without an additional ticket as with the upgrade)
  • Use via app
Disadvantages of DSemTix
  • The price development is unclear and we have no influence on it (the price should always be 60% of the Germany ticket price, but its development is unclear).
  • Fundamental future existence uncertain
  • Great administrative effort involved in the changeover (it is also still unclear whether this is technically possible at all)
  • Use via app
Advantages of SemTix
  • Price development is contractually fixed, so the price remains relatively stable.
  • Existence relatively secure in the long term (depending on how many student bodies decide against and in favor of DSemTix)
  • The analog ticket is retained, so no internal processes need to be changed.
Disadvantages of SemTix
  • Only valid on regional services in Lower Saxony and on buses in Lüneburg
  • The current upgrade solution (upgrading the SemTix to a Deutschlandticket for €30.95) only runs until the end of winter semester 24/25 – after that, anyone who wants a Deutschlandticket will have to buy one at the normal price – in addition to the SemTix. A refund of the SemTix is then not possible.

Further information

If you have specific questions, please send an email to ! Please note that contractual details in particular are confidential and will not be disclosed. Due to the active process, it may take a few days to obtain information.