
We are looking for student assistants (20-30 hours/month) for the Evaluation and Accreditation Department, starting immediately

We require support in the following areas: You can expect: Interested? Send your application to

Exciting job offer for the summer semester

Hey,we are looking for competent Studis👩‍⚖️ for the summer semester, who are ideally suited to workwith companies such as PwC, Otto, Google, IBM and 60 others!🏭If you would like to find out more about the tasks📝...

Englisch Nachhilfe

I am looking for an English tutor! I’m in the 12th grade of the BRG and I need to catch up on English (LK) because I did my 11th grade in Colombia and English wasn’t that...

Interpreters wanted!

We are a language placement agency “Ablosch Sprachvermittlung”. Our office is located in Erfurt. Since April 2022, our office has been accredited by the headquarters of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) in Nuremberg....

2room-apartment in a family house

It’s an apartment with its own entrance. Everything else needs to be seen/discussed…Time for rent possible to extend, flexible.60 m^2in Bleckedecontact:

Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes: BAföG wird nicht zu niedrig bemessen

Am 20. Mai 2024 hat das Bundesverwaltungsgericht (BVerfG) entschieden, dass die Bedarfssätze des BAföGs auf verfassungswidrige Weise zu niedrig bemessen werden. Da nur das Bundesverfassungsgericht befugt ist über die Verfassungsmäßigkeit von Bundesgesetzen zu entscheiden wurde der Fall an...