
Doppelkopf workshop and tournament

Cards on the table! ?It’s time for Doppelkopf. ♣️ For all interested beginners, we are offering a beginners’ workshop this Thursday, 28.11. in the MuFuZi (C 9.118) at 6 pm. But of course the professionals among...

Demo of the pier in Lüneburg

“1070 people have died so far in 2019 while fleeing across the Mediterranean (as of 2. 8. 2019) – the number of unreported cases cannot be guessed at. Meanwhile, Europe is sealing itself off and arguing...

Dancing in a fair world – Freshman party

It’s that time again: from October, the new first-year students will be flocking to our university in droves and we want to make the first party of your university life an unforgettable evening. Forget the efforts...

Anti-war demonstration on 31.08.

September 1 marks the 80th anniversary of the day on which Nazi Germany began the Second World War by invading Poland. As a reminder of the devastation of war, this day has been rededicated as Anti-War...

Our demo #notmyRPO

#notmyRPO – Postponement of the decision in the Senate on 10.07.2019 Over 100 students were at our #notmyRPO demo on Wednesday. Afterwards was the Senate meeting, which was attended by around 40 students. This was successful...

Student General Assembly

On Monday, June 24 at 4 pm in HS2 there will be a student plenary meeting to discuss the planned changes to the framework examination regulations (RPO) and to discuss student positions. All students are cordially...

AStA Summer Open Air 2019

The AStA SommerOpenAir 2019, our summer festival on the campus of the University of Lüneburg, is once again in the starting blocks. Tasty food, the best summer atmosphere and, of course, great music – the annual...

Solidarity among refugees

THE BALKAN ROUTE TO BOSNIA AND THE VIOLENCE OF THE CROATIAN BORDER POLICE LECTURE, PICTURES AND DISCUSSION with Sascha Schießl, from the Refugee Council of Lower Saxony– about the reception of refugees in Bosnia, – the...

Queer lecture series 2019

Let’s go, let’s go – the QUEERE RINGVORLESUNG is entering a new round! ?️‍?? Hold on to your panties, because this year’s program will blow you away. We’re putting a sensational 10 events in your calendars...