Looking for help in our office
You like to do office work and looking for a steady and exciting part-time job?We are looking for help in our office, who would like to support us weekly and for vacation replacement.If you are interested,...
You like to do office work and looking for a steady and exciting part-time job?We are looking for help in our office, who would like to support us weekly and for vacation replacement.If you are interested,...
We are looking for reliable and flexible interviewers for a passerby survey in the top locations of Lüneburg city center. The surveys will be carried out from mid-September (on a Thursday and a Saturday), starting on...
We are looking for 4 moving helpers on May 31st to load furniture and boxes into the truck. Timeframe: approximately 8:30 AM to 1 or 2 PM. We pay 15 euros per hour and will provide...
Gib Deine Arbeit mit einem guten Gefühl ab! Du brauchst professionelle Hilfe beim Korrigieren oder Lektorieren Deiner Arbeit? Dann kannst Du mich gerne kontaktieren und ich erstelle Dir ein kostenloses Angebot.Ich korrigiere Sprachfehler in Deiner Arbeit...
Du möchtest neben deinem Studium etwas dazuverdienen und hast Spaß und Freude am Umgang mit kleinen Kindern? Dann suchen wir genau DICH!Für unseren Sohn (6 Monate) suchen wir – eine junge, sympathische Familie aus Lüneburg –...