
AStA Newsletter // 28.02.2025

ENGLISH VERSION BELOW Hallöchen,während ihr euch hoffentlich alle die Fingerchen an den Abgaben müde tippt, tippen wir uns die Finger am Newsletter wund & verschieben das mit den Hausarbeiten einfach auf morgen hehe. Das Learning aus...

Newsletter // 22.02.2025

ENGLISH VERSION BELOW Hello! Morgen ist die Bundestagswahl. Viele von euch blicken sicherlich auf anstrengende Prüfungstage zurück. Und wiederum andere sitzen vor einem Berg an To-Do’s für langsam anstehende Hausarbeiten. Einige haben vielleicht schon per Brief gewählt,...

3 members wanted for an advisory group on dealing with elected political representatives and officials

plus representatives What are the tasks of the advisory board? Development of proposals for Leuphana’s dealings with elected political representatives andfunctionaries-Committed participation in the exchange process (1.decentralized per status group and 2.centralized in an advisory group)...

We are looking for student assistants (20-30 hours/month) for the Evaluation and Accreditation Department, starting immediately

We require support in the following areas: You can expect: Interested? Send your application to

We are looking for student assistants (20-30 hrs./month) for the Evaluation and Accreditation department with immediate effect & on a long-term basis

We need support in the following areas: You can expect: Interested? If you have a good knowledge of German (at least B2 level), please send your application to

Exciting job offer for the summer semester

Hey,we are looking for competent students for the summer semester👩‍⚖️ who want to work with companies such as PwC, Otto, Google, IBM and 60 othersalongside theirstudies! 🏭If you would like to find out more about the...

Exciting job offer for the summer semester

Hey,we are looking for competent Studis👩‍⚖️ for the summer semester, who are ideally suited to workwith companies such as PwC, Otto, Google, IBM and 60 others!🏭If you would like to find out more about the tasks📝...