
Students wanted for childcare

The Family Service in the Equal Opportunities Office at Leuphana is looking for students for our childcare exchange: https://www.leuphana.de/einrichtungen/gleichstellung/familienservice/kinderbetreuung/betreuungsboerse.html The childcare exchange places students as flexible caregivers We are looking for committed people with pedagogical experience...

Child care and education

We are looking for an experienced university graduate who would like to help with childcare for a year as part of a horizon-broadening au pair stay with a bilingual family on Long Island. Our children are...

Winterflohmarkt 04.02.

Anmeldung AStA Winterflohmarkt // 04.02. ❄️Am 04. Februar findet in Gebäude 9 von 13 – 16 Uhr wieder ein Flohmarkt statt- juhuuu!Sei dabei und kaufe oder verkaufe – ob gebrauchte Kleidung, Bücher, anderer Kram oder Kreatives.Du...