Last updated 17. January 2024 | Oeffentlichkeit
You want to get involved and have a say in campus life? University life at the University of Lüneburg is strongly influenced by the commitment of the students and staff of the university and it should stay that way!
You have the opportunity to get involved in many areas of university life. Be it in one of the numerous student initiatives, the AStA, the StuPa, or in your own projects.
You don’t really know what the AStA actually does? Then take a look here and get to know us a little better. There are all the AStA departments, such as the Öko?-logisch!, an initiative dealing with sustainable campus life, the AStA-Wohnzimmer (= AStA living room) or the PFUI, a political initiative, in which you can participate. You can also get to know them better under the tab “Societies” and drop by at one of their meetings.
If you would like to get involved in a society, but don’t know exactly where to go, you can find out more about the current societies in the “Societies” tab! Here you are guaranteed to find the ideal society to contribute your interests and talents.
Ever heard of the StuPa? If not, you can get to know it better here. You have the opportunity to attend StuPa meetingsand you are always entitled to speak and submit proposals. That means, if you need funding for projects, thisis the right place for you.
The DSi is the overarching organization of student initiatives.
Currently, 54 initiatives are organized in the DSi, but the number is not rigid: We regularly accept initiatives, and from time to time initiatives dissolve. The DSi itself is not a student initiative but is also supported by the voluntary commitment of students. This makes the DSi unique in the German university landscape.
The AStA spokespersons support the networking and organize e.g. together with the initiatives the “Market of Opportunities”, where all initiatives can present themselves and win new members. You can get a small overview of all initiatives with our initiative compass or as an app:
There you can do a test, which initiative fits best to you!
You can reach the DSi at any time at:
As you can see, there are many opportunities to get actively involved in campus life. So let’s go!