Co-educator for mobile escape room wanted!

Last updated 23. July 2024 | Buero

I am looking for a co-educator to run workshops with the mobile ESD Escape Room “Act. Change. Escape the Room.” in Northern Germany (information at If you are interested in sustainable development, enthusiastic about escape rooms and flexible in terms of time, you are exactly the right person!

What I can offer:

  1. initial training and comprehensive documentation
  2. exciting workshops on sustainable development and e-waste
  3. collaboration in a motivated team
  4. remuneration on a freelance basis (invoice)

About the Escape Room: The mobile Escape Room combines a playful approach with reflection on sustainable action. It is aimed at young people aged 14 and over and adults and can be offered in Hamburg and northern Germany in rooms (approx. 30m²).

Your tasks:

  • Conducting the workshops together with me or another qualified educational advisor.
  • Leading groups and discussions after the game- Conducting the workshops together with me.

If you are interested, please contact: