Good luck with your exams!

Last updated 17. July 2021 | Sprecherinnen

Information about the exam period

Before the exam period starts on Monday, here a summary of information for you:

Exams in presence:

If you are taking an examination in presence, here are the most important points. The current hygiene guidelines of the university apply:

  • The distance requirement of 1.5 metres inside and outside the buildings applies,
  • You are required to wear a medical mask,
  • the mask may be removed while seated,
  • There is no compulsory testing during presence exams. However, out of solidarity with each other, it is strongly requested that a test is carried out before the examination.

Detailed information on presence exams can be found here:
If you are unable to take part in a presence examination for various health or personal reasons, the university has provided some examples in the e-mail of June 24th (“Information for students: Examinations in the summer semester 2021”) of the cases in which you can apply for a hardship application or disadvantage compensation.

Digital exams:

If you are taking exams digitally, the alternative exam formats of the last three semesters apply.

Important: So-called “proctoring” is not allowed at our university, i.e. your examiner is not allowed to monitor mouse movements or the screen.

Furthermore, there is no obligation to have the camera on in the Zoom meeting.

We wish you good luck with your exams!

Greetings from building 9!