Holiday Childcare

Last updated 20. June 2024 | Buero

We are looking for holiday care for our son, 6 years old, from July 15th to August 31st.
The care should not be continuous. An offer for 2 or 3 days a week, for example from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., would help us a lot.
You should be mobile because we live near Winsen (Luhe), but this is also negotiable like the remuneration.
Our son has a genetic defect, which means he is developmentally delayed and is a bit difficult to understand linguistically, but with a little getting used to he can be understood quite well.
He is very open-minded and always finds a good way to communicate.
You should be able to speak German at around B2- level.
Best regards
Markus & Tanja