Personal assistance for young people with physical disabilities
Last updated 5. March 2025 | Buero
Teamwerk Pflege und Assistenz GmbH – Lower Saxony
We provide personal assistance. This means that our aim is to respond to the personal needs and individual life situation of our customers. The employees can also work with us as personal assistants without experience in care and without training. They are employed by us on a part-time basis of 10-20 hours/week in student part-time jobs or working student jobs with long-term employment contracts where possible. We pay well above the minimum nursing wage. There is also the possibility of online training opportunities. A car and driving license are not essential. We adapt flexibly to the personal needs and individual circumstances of our clients and see it as our task to make participation in social life as natural as possible. Individual solutions are developed. What goals and wishes does the customer have? What kind of personality are we dealing with? We provide support at university, at work, in leisure time, at cultural events… there are many ways to lead a self-determined life, even with a severe disability. The responsibility lies with the individual customer, she can continue to plan her life and receives the personal and professional support she needs from us. The
Special features: We only offer 1:1 care, which means that one assistant looks after just one client. We work in shifts, in fixed teams and regard ourselves as guests in the home.
Contact: Mrs. Dagmar Pässler, Fon: 0413134915, ,