Solidarity with Ukraine

Last updated 19. April 2022 | Webmaster

The world is in a state of worry, fear and distress – but there are also perspectives full of hope that all of us share.

That’s why we summarized some important advice for you regarding donation addresses, hosting options and contact for psychological advice.

**If important information is missing, please contact us so we can add it! **

Further information by the city, the uni and more:

Ukraine-Hilfe: Adresses and contact on tha page of the district of Lüneburg

Stand with Ukraine: Informationen on the Website of the university

GOVERNMENT: Information on asylum, accomodation, health etc.

EUROPEAN STUDENTS UNION: Resources to help students in Ukraine

Donation Adresses:

Above all, financial support is essential for refugees and humanitarian aid on the ground. Here are a few aid organisations you can donate to:

Caritas International

UNICEF Emergency Response

Polish Humanitarian Action:

International Red Cross

Medico International


Norddeutsch ukrainischer Hilfsstab

Quarteera (Verband von russischsprachigen LGBTQ+ – Menschen in Deutschland)

Stiftung Hof Schlüter (Gemeinnützige Stiftung aus Lüneburg, die Projekte in der Ukraine unterstützt)


Do you have one or more beds available and can take in Ukrainians on the run at short notice? Then contact the Aktion #unterkunft!

At #LeaveNoOneBehind offer support (Shelter, Translations, etc.).

Template for welcoming people from the Ukraine (organised by the Ukrainian Left).

Contact points:

If you find that you are unable to deal with the situation, please contact the following::

Telefonseelsorge: International helplines here.

Studentenwerk: Psychological Counselling

In Emergencies:

Psychiatrische Klinik (Portal), Am Wienebüttler Weg 1 (Lüneburg); Tel. (04131) 601 16 00 or (04131) 601 16 22 (Aufnahme)