
Veranstaltungskalender 04.04.-10.04.22

AStA Events Alternative courses Mosaic Scala Museum NiaDance St Nikolai checkpointqueer University community Room of silence Heinrich Heine House Salon Hansen Glockenhof Theater Café Klatsch Fimpalast VHS Music school Short film festival (workshops and film programs...

Solidarity among refugees

THE BALKAN ROUTE TO BOSNIA AND THE VIOLENCE OF THE CROATIAN BORDER POLICE LECTURE, PICTURES AND DISCUSSION with Sascha Schießl, from the Refugee Council of Lower Saxony– about the reception of refugees in Bosnia, – the...

The digital and democracy – on the power of data silos

The digital and democracy – what is the relationship between these two concepts? Our guest Dr. Oliver Leistert from the University of Lüneburg will contribute to this question in his lecture and discussion “Why we can’t...