Text modules for hardship applications
Last updated 5. March 2025 | Sprecherinnen
Dear students,
As the original hardship application is rejected by Student Services because it is a standardized application, we have provided a customizable application for you to copy and complete. You need to copy it into the writing program of your choice, adapt it to your situation, print it out, sign it and drop it in the letterbox at C.10.
We would like to point out once again that we cannot guarantee that the application will be approved and that we are not a professional legal advice service. If you would like to discuss your application again with a lawyer, our legal advice service can help.
—— Start of the application ——
Your first name – last name – street – house number – postal code – city
University of Lüneburg | Student Services | Universitätsallee | 21335 Lüneburg
Dear Sir or Madam,
I, xxxx matriculation number: xxxx hereby apply for the non-crediting of one semester to the study credit according to §12 NHG and thus the application according to § 14 para. 2 sentence 1 NHG for the waiver of long-term study fees according to § 13 para. 1 NHG.
I was hindered in the scheduled continuation of my studies due to the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic. This includes the following aspects:
[Copying one or more reasons, examples see below]
[Eigene Beschreibung der Situation und warum du länger brauchst]
Yours sincerely
[Name und Unterschrift]
—— Start the application if you are NOT threatened with long-term tuition fees ——
Your first name | last name | street | house number | postal code | city
University of Lüneburg| Student Services| Universitätsallee 1| 21335 Lüneburg
Dear Sir or Madam,
I, xxxx matriculation number: xxxx apply for the non-crediting of a semester to the study credit according to §12 NHG.
I was hindered in the scheduled continuation of my studies due to the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic. This includes the following aspects:
[Copying one or more reasons, examples see below]
[Eigene Beschreibung der Situation und warum du länger brauchst]
Yours sincerely
[Name und Unterschrift]
—- End of the application —-
Examples of reasons that can be inserted above:
– Financial problems, loss of mini-job or loss of financial support from parents
– Care or nursing of children, sick or otherwise needing support in the family
– Voluntary work to support others, to cope with the crisis
– Lack of digital infrastructure [no laptop, computer, no internet]
– Lack of quiet study rooms, as well as disadvantages due to the housing situation
– Limited access to literature [e.g. only on-campus lending] – Mental illness due to the situation [e.g. symptoms of strain due to corona and digital studies].e.g. only on-campus lending]
– mental illness due to the situation [e.g. symptoms of being overwhelmed by coronavirus and digital studies]