The digital semester – what has changed?
Last updated 5. March 2025 | Sprecherinnen

english version below
UPDATE: The evaluations are finished, thanks to the almost 1,500 participants, here you can find the resulting demands:
The demands on the University of Lüneburg:
- Opening of seminar rooms under security concept
- Provision of technical equipment for students in need
- Return to analog operation as quickly as possible after approval
- Uniform use of online tools
- Keeping the student workload at the same level
- More consideration for students in care work
- More consideration for students with mental health issues
- Despite possible opening: alternative for students in at-risk groups
- Uniform use of the online platforms
- Further improving the quality of online teaching
- Ask lecturers for video/audio podcasts
- No real-time online exams
- Protect data – no obligation to record video
Demands on the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Science and Culture:
- Taking the financial plight of students seriously
- Non-credit of the semester
We have agreed further demands at Lower Saxony level with the State AStA Conference:
You can also submit a hardship application for non-credit for the semester:
As well as the explanations with the diagrams:
Please contact us by e-mail at with specific requests, especially in cases of missing technical equipment
We would like to take this opportunity to point out the following helpful links and email addresses:
AStA Glossary:
Uni Corona Info:
Uni Teaching Tools Info:
Uni support for the tools:
University library/technology info:
Support contact for technical difficulties in digital teaching:
BAföG and financial advice from the AStA:
Social counseling of the Studentenwerk [sic!]:
We wish you all lots of stamina and strength for this difficult situation.
Stay healthy and show solidarity with each other!
Lisa, Anna, Daryoush and Adrian
Do you want to be kept up to date? Then follow us on our social media channels!
Instagram: astaunilueneburgFacebook: asta.lueneburgTwitter: AStA_Lueneburg
Dear Students,
we as the general students commitee [AStA] want to help you during this crisis, as good as we can. Please contact us if there are problems for you because of the corona crisis or in study related subjects. We will try our best to help you solve your problems.
For questions about your resicdence status or problems with your visa please contact your adviser at the international office.
Uni Corona Info:
Uni Tools Info:
Uni Support for digital Tools:
Library and technical infrastructure Info:
Support for technical difficulties:
Financial Support Guidance of the AStA:
Social Counceling of the Studentenwerk [sic!]:
Stay healthy and keep going!
All the best
Lisa, Anna, Daryoush and Adrian
You want to be kept up to date? Then follow us on our social media channels!
Instagram: astaunilueneburgFacebook: asta.lueneburgTwitter: AStA_Lueneburg