Student election committee

Last updated 24. May 2024 | Wahlausschuss

On this page you will find the most important background information on the organization of student elections, including dates, documents, etc.

More information on the election dates and information on the actual elections can be found here.

University Elections Summer Semester 2024

The election is finished, the results are in and we are exhausted. With the election transcript we have now also published the results to everyone. Where can you find them? Simply take a look at the document directly underneath! Until May 29th, you have the right to object to the results.
A big thank you for the rush to the polls in the last minutes of the election!
Enjoy the summer, celebrate! We’re in need of a break as well by now.

All the best,
Your election committee <3

Important documents for the university elections

Election regulations (German) (Status: 22.04.2022 / Gazette 43/22)
Election announcement (general) (Status: 08.04.2024 / corrected: 13.05.2024)
Election announcement (general, extended deadline) (status: 22.04.2024)
Election announcement (detailed) (status: 06.05.2024)
Election transcript (German) (status: 23.05.2024)

Documents and Directions

Forms for election proposals (German)
Examples and guidelines for election proposals (German) (status: 11.04.2023)

It is possible for only one candidate to be listed on a subsequent sheet to a list nomination.

according to § 8 section 7 of the Election Regulations, a list election proposal for the Student Parliament may not contain more than twice the number (max. 34 candidates) of the total number of available seats when it is submitted. A list nomination for the student representatives may not contain more than three times the number (max. 15 candidates) of the total number of available seats.


08.04.2024 – 10 a.m. | Election Announcement (general)
08.04.2024 – 10 a.m. | Starting: Submission of election nominations
08.04.2024 – 10 a.m. | Starting: Insight to the electoral roll (Wähler*innenverzeichnis / WVZ)
08.04.2024 – 10 a.m. | Starting: Insight to the election nominations
08.04.2024 – 10 a.m. | Starting: Application for postal voting
22.04.2024 – 2 p.m. | Deadline: Submission of election nominations
22.04.2024 – 2 p.m. | Deadline: Insight to the election nominations
22.04.2024 – 2 p.m. | Deadline: Objections to the electoral roll (WVZ)
22.04.2024 – 2 p.m. | (If necessary) Election Announcement (general) – extension of deadlines
29.04.2024 – 2 p.m. | (If necessary) Deadline: Submission of election nominations (deadline extension)

03.05.2024 – 12 a.m. | Deadline: Application for postal voting
06.05.2024 – 2 p.m. | Election Announcement (detailed)
06.05.2024 – 2 p.m. | Announcement of preliminariy election results
06.05.2024 – 2 p.m. | Starting: Objections to preliminary election results
10.05.2024 – 2 p.m. | Deadline: Objections to preliminary election results
14. – 16.05.2024 | Election days
new: 22.05.2024 – 12 p.m. | Deadline: Entry of absentee ballots / ballot papers
new: 22.05.2024 | Announcement of preliminary election results
new: 23.05.2024 – 10 a.m. | Starting: Objections to preliminary election results
new: 29.05.2024 – 12 p.m. | Deadline: Objections to preliminary election results
new: 29.05.2024 – 2 p.m. | Announcement of final election results (without objections)
05.06.2024 – 4 p.m. | Announcement of final election results (with objections)

Election Committee – Rules of Procedure

Rules of Procedure of the Election Committee (German) (Status: 04.03.2022)

Election Committee – Meetings

Constituent meeting – 16.02.2024, 12:30 p.m., presence
1st ordinary meeting – 27.02.2024, 4 p.m., presence (shortened invitation period)
2nd ordinary meeting – 03.04.2024, 4 p.m., online (shortened invitation period)
3rd ordinary meeting – 22.04.2024, 1 p.m., presence
4th ordinary meeting – 29.04.2024, 2 p.m., presence

Due to a privacy complaint, the minutes will not be posted on this website. All students can request the minutes from the election committee () using their email address. If the student body has an intranet, the minutes will also be available there.
The meetings are restricted to the university public (= student body!). Therefore, a password has been set for the one electronic session (Zoom session). All students can request this password from the election committee () using their email address. The e-mail box is checked very regularly.

Video on university politics from the summer semester 2019

Members of the student election committee

Dara Hallmayer (she/her) (Chair), Thimo Sauerhering (he/him) (Deputy Chair), Tobias Born (he/him), Charly Hanf-Dressler (she/her), Amelie Choyak (she/her), Finn Heinemann (he/they)

StuPa Universität Lüneburg
c/o Wahlausschuss
Universitätsallee 1
21335 Lüneburg

Phone: 04131 – 677 1510