Summer semester 2023 – Emancipation & Enlightenment

Last updated 5. March 2025 | Alternative Lehre

The following courses were offered in the summer semester 2023:

Adorno’s “Negative Dialectic”

In the seminar, the negative dialectic of Theodor W. Adorno will be explored. In the format of a reading circle, sections of the text will be read each week and then discussed together in the sessions. The aim is not only to clarify questions, but also to break down and understand the many philosophical-historical references together. Depending on the previous knowledge of the seminar group, excerpts from the lecture on Negative Dialectics will be read in the first two sessions, as these make it easier to get started with the reading. The specific reading load will be determined jointly in the seminar.

Negative dialectics is one of the most advanced approaches to dealing with science, theory and culture after the Shoah and thus represents an important point of reference for critical theories of various kinds. Negative dialectics operates in the mode of working through and immanent criticism, i.e. it does not attempt to make a radical new beginning in the face of philosophy (and culture) that has become guilty, but rather to work out the inner contradictions of the history of philosophy and include them in the reflection.
The examination of negative dialectics is of great added value for all students who are interested in critical theory and education and who deal with the complex of the Shoah.

Nude drawing from a model – a critical examination of nudity

We would like to offer a creative and practical workshop on nude drawing and painting. In this workshop, people with no previous knowledge can come into contact with the artistic approach to the diversity, proportions and uniqueness of the human body for the first time. At the individual meetings, naked bodies are artistically depicted using different lighting conditions, poses, materials and techniques. We expressly want to give the participants a great deal of influence on the design of the seminar, so that it is possible to turn to nude photography or painting the bodies themselves (body painting).
In each session, people will model – either we as organizers or interested participants. The aim is for informality, self-determination and critical reflection to form a basis for the individual lifting of the social taboo of nudity. For example, we want to get into conversation after the drawing sessions and exchange experiences and emotions, as well as images of others and ourselves, in order to embed the practical experience of drawing in a discursive framework. We have already offered such a workshop in the university open space “PlanB”, where great interest in regular continuation was expressed. Thanks to the heterogeneous horizons of experience of the participants, collective learning with and from each other can take place, regardless of previous knowledge.

Capital I – reading Marx’s “Critique of Political Economy”

In the reading group, the work Das Kapital. Critique of Political Economy. Volume I by Karl Marx will be read.
The focus is on an intensive examination of this book, which has been influential in many disciplines. Capital has not only shaped sociology, economics and political theory, but has also established a very important scientific perspective of its own, namely the historical-materialist perspective.
The materialist analysis of social structures has proven to be enormously effective and comprehensive.

In all social sciences and humanities disciplines, there is no way around the name Marx. However, this often only happens in the context of overview courses, in which one or perhaps two sessions are devoted to his work. However, an intensive examination does not take place here. The reading group is intended to make this possible by only dealing with one work, but doing so in a depth that regular teaching does not offer.

Emotional resilience – a holistic perspective on education

We shape our relationships, our lives and the world through our feelings and emotions (= emotional baggage) – consciously or unconsciously, constructively or destructively.
Despite all the progress we have made, (subtle) power, violence and conflict are still part of our social structures. Every day at university, we learn intellectually about these challenges and their consequences – but so far there are hardly any offers for dealing with our associated feelings in a competent and life-serving way.

  • How can I learn to understand my inner self in such a way that I can develop an autonomous, independent point of view?
  • What is the value of my actions when I become aware of the factors that influence them
  • What if fear no longer paralyzed us, but gave us the strength to find creative solutions?
  • How could we study if anger energy no longer has to be suppressed and can only burst out in the forest, but is given a new framing and used for constructive action?

In this practical workshop series, we want to explore ways to emancipate ourselves from the traditional, cognitive understanding of education and emotions. Together we will work out what it takes to form learning communities that are based on social-emotional skills. This includes:
– distinguishing between (current) feelings and (old) emotions
– understanding and using feelings as positive forces
– clearing up emotional baggage.

Political theory – we do the math!

Political theory association: dusty books and old white cis men? While the canon of political theory reflects precisely this association, we want to find out together with you that there is another way. Exemplary seminar plans of university teaching show that diverse perspectives are still not taken into account in the so-called classics. Our first goal is therefore to critically reflect on political theory.
A second goal is to close the gap between theory and practice by exploring the real effects of political theories. A major focus here is on systems of oppression, which are often naturalized by classical theories.
As a third and final goal, we want to use our findings to create a new and inclusive seminar plan.
We look forward to your participation and the reckoning with political theory!

We want to fill the time during the event with joint discussions. You can contribute your ideas and input at any time. If you have read exciting texts on the topic, please bring them along and present them!