Welcome to your students' union!

You want to find out more about the AStA and the StuPa? Which societies there are and which one suits you best? You are a first-year and want to know what's possible? You are looking for specific advice or a service, like the BaföG & Finanzierungsberatung or KonRad? You should be able to find all this and more here on our website. So have a look around and feel free to contact us with any questions or feedback!

Recent posts:

Students wanted for childcare

The Family Service in the Equal Opportunities Office at Leuphana is looking for students for our childcare exchange: https://www.leuphana.de/einrichtungen/gleichstellung/familienservice/kinderbetreuung/betreuungsboerse.html The childcare exchange places students as flexible caregivers We are looking for committed people with pedagogical experience...

Veranstaltungskalender 27.05.2024 – 02.06.2024

AStA Veranstaltungen Alternative Lehrveranstaltungen Scala Museum NiaTanz St Nikolai Raum der Stille Glockenhof Anna und Arthur Kulturforum Kloster Lüne Schröders Garten Hochschulgemeinde checkpointqueer Lünebuch beekays Filmpalast Kulturbäckerrei Musikschule Salzmuseum Theater Weihnachtsstadt Mosaique Café Klatsch Unikino Hochschulsport

Child care and education

We are looking for an experienced university graduate who would like to help with childcare for a year as part of a horizon-broadening au pair stay with a bilingual family on Long Island. Our children are...

Helpers for moving on 31. May

We are looking for 4 moving helpers on May 31st to load furniture and boxes into the truck. Timeframe: approximately 8:30 AM to 1 or 2 PM. We pay 15 euros per hour and will provide...

Eine*n Mitarbeiter*in für das Büroteam

Als Mitarbeiter*in im Büroteam bist du die erste Ansprechperson für die Belange und Fragen der Studierenden. Du bist zuständig für die Erledigung aller anfallenden Aufgaben im AStA-Büro. Aufgaben Anforderungen Der AStA ist die gewählte Vertretung der...

Working student for waste analysis

We are looking for support with the implementation of our waste analyses for well-known industrial groups in the food and consumer goods sector. Mixed waste is manually sorted, weighed and the volume determined using appropriate protective...